Measles, mumps, and chickenpox… oh my! With the recent trend of parents choosing not to vaccinate their children and the subsequent outbreaks of disease it has triggered, many are left reeling in confusion over whether to vaccinate or not. As independent young adults and consumers of healthcare, it is our job to stay updated about what we choose to put in our bodies.
There are plenty of reasons why people may think twice about letting a syringe near them (and not just because of trypanophobia). Vaccines have been linked to a few serious and fatal side effects. All vaccines carry 1/1,000,000 risk of anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction; and the National Vaccine Information Center suggests that vaccines may cause diabetes, chronic inflammation, autism, asthma, and other disabilities. But certain vaccines have been associated with specific side effects of their own. Though the association is small, it would be helpful to know them: rotavirus has been linked to intussusception (an obstruction of the bowel that leads to malnutrition and requires hospitalization), varicella shots have been tied to pneumonia, MMR and DTaP have been connected with instances of coma/seizures/brain damage, and that Guillain-Barré Syndrome (a disease where the patient’s immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system) could possibly be traced to the flu vaccine.
There’s also the recipe behind vaccinations, a list of additives which may contain harmful ingredients. A few examples would be thimerosal (a mercury compound believed to cause autism), aluminum (which can cause neurological harm in excess), formaldehyde (an embalming fluid and carcinogen), MSG, antiseptics/disinfectants, yeast and egg proteins, gelatin and other animal tissue, antibiotics, and antifreeze. Such components have been linked to issues with the nervous, cardiac, and respiratory systems, as well as symptoms like convulsions, coma, and death. There is also the fact that disease-causing pathogens are constantly adapting and vary around the globe. And, vaccines are only 95-99% effective, so there is still a possibility of contracting disease despite receiving a vaccination. Because of this, vaccines will never completely eradicate disease. Even if the vaccine does work, the acquired immunity granted will not be as long-lasting as the natural immunity built after an infection.
And finally, some may not want to engage in vaccinations because of the moral dilemmas it presents. Some may choose not to get vaccinated because of religious beliefs… they believe that if it’s their time to go, they should not fight it and should not plant any artificial or man-made objects inside their bodies. Others may feel that the government should not intervene in the personal medical choices a person makes over their body and that of their children. Mandatory vaccinations infringe upon the basic human rights of each person. And lastly, a few point fingers at pharmaceutical companies who produce the vaccinations. These corporations care more about marketing products and making money than they care about the health of their consumers. Of course they would extol vaccinations if it meant more change in their pockets. Besides, there have been instances of drugs and vaccines being deemed unsafe, but companies would still attempt to cover it up in order to continue profiteering.
But I personally thank Edward Jenner for his creation of the vaccine. One of the reasons we have seen a decrease in infection-caused mortality and morbidity rates as well as an increase in lifespan is due to vaccinations. According to Shot@Life, 2 to 3 million people around the world are saved from preventable diseases every year. As of right now, there is no evidence of naturally-occurring smallpox and diseases like polio have nearly been eradicated. Though some may argue that pathogens can adapt, once a specific strain of disease is eradicated (for example, smallpox) it cannot re-emerge unless an environmental reservoir exists or humans accidentally or purposely (germ warfare) reintroduce it. One can see the undeniable success vaccines have had by looking at the change in the top ten causes of death from the 1900s to the 2010s. In the 1900s, four of the top ten causes of death were infections (diphtheria, tuberculosis, pneumonia or influenza, gastrointestinal infections), but today there is only one cause of death that is caused by an infection (pneumonia or influenza).
Even those who aren’t vaccinated still benefit from vaccinations because they have been given “herd immunity,” which is when a majority of the population is vaccinated against contagious diseases and the chances of an outbreak are reduced… thus, protecting the small percentage of the community that is not vaccinated. This is beneficial to those who cannot be vaccinated, whether that may be due to allergies to vaccine components, being too young or old to receive vaccinations, or having compromised immune systems due to autoimmune disorders or chemotherapy treatments. And, the vaccines help to protect against diseases that have sharply declined in more developed countries but still remain a threat in other less developed countries where travelers may get sick. This is why it’s always important to update your vaccines before traveling.
Though the immunity provided by vaccinations is still second rate to natural immunity, it does protect you for life as long as you receive the necessary booster shots and keep on track with the vaccine schedule. In addition, this immunity is passed onto future generations and eliminates the birth defects that were once common with infected expectant mothers. Vaccines have helped to decrease death, disability, and disease worldwide. It also eases the burden on both the individual’s wallet and the resources of healthcare facilities. Getting vaccinated is less costly, resource-wasting, and time-consuming compared to getting treatment for some of the contagious diseases that vaccines protect us from. The supposed “side effects” are either incredibly rare (and associated with a multitude of drugs, not just vaccines) or are fabricated by people without scientific backgrounds. Sanjay Gupta, neurosurgeon and medical correspondent for CNN, says “you are 100 times more likely to get struck by lightning than have a serious allergic reaction to the vaccine that protects you from measles.” Studies show that the connections between certain vaccines and symptoms are falsified or exaggerated tenfold. Combination vaccines like MMR have been used without side effects since the 1940s, and multiple committees made to test the safety of various vaccines reported that “the MMR vaccine does not cause autism… The MMR and DTaP do not cause Type 1 diabetes. And the killed flu vaccine does not cause Bell’s palsy, and it does not trigger episodes of asthma.”
The anti-vaccination lobby—dogmatic in their approach—would try to argue that vaccinations contain ingredients that are harmful to humans and simply serve as marketing ploys to increase sales among pharmaceutical companies… but they fail to realize that non-profit organizations created for the sole purpose of maintaining public health advocate for the use of vaccines. The CDC, FDA, AMA, along with others do not receive monetary compensation for endorsing vaccinations, and they conduct strict research for 10+ years on each drug prior to introducing them to the market. The ingredients that anti-vacciners tout as detrimental are safe in the small quantities used in vaccines and serve a significant purpose. Aluminum, an adjuvant that boosts immune response to the vaccine, is present in tiny amounts far from what is considered toxic. This amount is similar to the amount of aluminum naturally found in breast milk and infant formula. Mercury-containing thimerosal is used as a preservative to prevent dangerous pathogens from contaminating the vaccination. Today, it is used only in influenza vaccines and there are thimerosal-free versions available. Formaldehyde, which is used to inactivate pathogens in vaccines, are present in diluted forms. Those who vehemently argue about its use considering that it is a carcinogen do not realize that formaldehyde is always present in the body because it’s a part of our natural metabolic processes. Research by the FDA indicates that 50 to 70 times more formaldehyde is present in an average newborn’s body than in a single dose of vaccine.
Now that the facts have been brought to the table, the decision is ultimately yours to make. Remember that no one is more equipped to decide what’s best for your body than you. So are you #TeamVaccine?